Cure Boredom Tip #7

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This cure for boredom tip #7 will allow the users to run a fake but cool Windows93 setup that has many cool easter eggs. It offers the users games to play when bored. The games that are included in this cool site are Take This, Half-life 3, Maze 3D, and many more. This site is a fun way to cure your boredom and go back in time to what Windows was before and what it is now.

Looking for this Website here’s the link A fun way to cure that boredom. Have fun with the site and see what Windows was like back in the day! I played the many games that the site offered and brought back some memories of when Windows 93 was released. I hope this cure for Boredom, has cured your boredom, be on the lookout for many more Cure for Boredom posts.

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