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Oftentimes, your computer will slow down over time because of all the temporary files, apps, and software on it. So you might not even use all of it, but it all takes space and inevitably makes it run slower. When your computer is showing a blue screen error or is infected with malware. The simplest and most effective solution to speed up the computer is to reinstall the OS (operating system).

Because sometimes your computer’s operating system might get corrupted when it gets shut down during an update, when it gets infected with malware, etc. Performing a clean OS install will get rid of all unnecessary clutter on your computer and will leave just the clean base, which takes care of all software issues and makes your computer run faster. An OS installation is the fastest and most efficient way of clearing up your computer to start using it good-as-new.

Our OS clean install service includes FREE diagnosis and comes with a 14-day warranty.

At Husky Bros IT Services, we do not charge to troubleshoot your issue. Depending on the availability of parts will determine the turnaround time for each issue. To learn more about more of our services please take a look at our home page and take a look at some of our Small Business and Personal IT Services.

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