Troubleshoot Motherboard Issues

Troubleshoot Motherboard Issues post thumbnail

Our customer purchased a motherboard from a third party. Then he could not get his new graphics card or onboard video to display. He tried different monitors with no success. So after swapping out the GPU on his own twice. He asked us for some help.

Our tech was able to determine that there was a known compatibility issue with his motherboard and the CPU he was using. But it could be fixed by contacting the CPU manufacturer and having them send out a different CPU that would allow us to do a motherboard Bios update that would fix the known compatibility issue.

So once we got the CPU we did the Bios upgrade and got our customer back on track to finishing his new custom gaming PC build.

Motherboard Bios Computer Screen RGB Desktop with different color lights on


To learn more about the different Services we offer take a look at our services page found here for more details. All of our work comes with free troubleshooting to make sure we can fix the issue for you. So if we can fix it then you don’t pay. We only ask that you leave your device with us. So that our techs can take their time.  This way they can get to the root of your issues. So you only have to take one trip to our shop.


Project Issue :- Motherboard Issues

Project Duration :- 10 days

Project Location :-

Client Name :- Casimar R.