Does your computer have one or all of the following symptoms?

  • Slow performance
  • Unusual error messages and warnings
  • Re-routing to undesired sites
  • Excessive “pop-up” advertisement

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, then it is possible that your computer is infected with a virus or it is full of spyware and adware. Immediate virus and spyware removal is needed for your computer to ensure both the privacy of your files and the malware spreading to other computers on any network you might connect to. At Husky Bros IT Services we have become experts in removing viruses, spyware, worms, and trojans from any device. Just relax and leave the dirty work to our team of experts!

Because no matter what the problem is, you have found the right people. Husky Bros IT Services specializes in removing viruses and spyware from all computer and laptop brands and models.

Please note that the price will depend on what needs to be done to remove all of the unwanted software from your device. We will diagnose the issue for free to give you an exact quote.

At Husky Bros IT Services, we do not charge to troubleshoot your issue. Depending on the availability of parts will determine the turnaround time for each issue. To learn more about more of our services please take a look at our home page and take a look at some of our Small Business and Personal IT Services.

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